Social Media helping us Remember.

12 Sep

Today is the 10 year anniversary of September 11, and social media is helping us remember and share stories about the people we lost.

I think this is a great example of how social media can be used for good causes and really have an impact on our community. It was hard to miss the trending topics of #neverforget and #godblessamerica on twitter along with tweets about why I the United States is a great place to live, and names of people gone but not forgotten.

Twitter was not the only place that social media was making an impact on remembering that devastating day. Blogs were a place where people could share stories about the ones they lost, or stories about being at ground zero. People even said that being able to blog about their experiences was almost like a therapy session that helped them get through the worst of it.

Facebook also was full of pictures of people who lost their lives that day, and statuses of people remembering.

I feel as if social media really helped reunite the country today in remembering and paying respects to everyone that was lost. It is amazing how so many people can come together using social media to express their feelings, and I am sure it meant a lot to those of the loved ones  who lost someone that day.

2 Responses to “Social Media helping us Remember.”

  1. Kate Rogers September 14, 2011 at 7:27 pm #

    It was definitely impossible to not see everything on social media about the 10 year anniversary of September 11. When I was seeing all of it, I couldn’t help but wonder what that day would have been like if we had social media like we do now at the time. Obviously, Facebook and Twitter couldn’t have prevented anything but I think that we would have seen many people using social media to try and find loved ones, and just connect with other people about the tragedy in general. Social media has given us a way to connect personally with people all over the place, its been a uniting force in a way and I think that it would have played a part in uniting people on that day.

  2. tgormanpr December 1, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    I agree with the comment above. Had social media been as big of an impact on daily life as it is now, it would definitely be a way to search for missing loved ones as a result of the terrorist attacks. It’s similar to the Lauren Spierer case (the missing Indiana University student). She is constantly a trending topic on Twitter as her family uses social media as a means to urge people to search for their daughter, and they keep a blog for her as well that they update bi-weekly.

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